Friday, March 7, 2014

Another I confess sesh....per Raven

I could confess to all my dirty little secrets ( and when I say dirty, I mean the pee from my boys failure to aim on the back of my toilet I have yet to clean ) BUUUUUT I think Ill confess to my clean little secrets....
I confess if you come to my house unannounced you will not see dirty dishes in my sink, swear.

I confess that I only judge my own home, not my friends, what can I say, to each their own and I        love my friends for who they are, not the status of their home.

I confess that if I don't make my bed before I leave my house I'm paranoid that someone SOMEWHERE is going to judge me for it.
I confess that I have an addiction to vacuuming, I used to vacuum 3 times a day when my kids were little bc I was convinced they would find a fiber on the ground, choke on it and die, until my friend Laurie told me I was insane and needed to get out of my house more ( thanks LA )

I confess that I tilt my head sideways to see my countertops on an even angle when I clean them, the first time I did this I thought I was going to die bc all the shit I was missing when I was wiping them down.

I confess that between my daughter and I, there is more hair in my bathroom than in a great clips. Something needs to be done about this, but bathrooms are not my strong point.

I confess that I do a little dance when all my laundry is done only to find out my little shit ass kids hid some jeans and socks under their bed ( one dark , one light so its not even a good enough reason to start a new load) Talk about PISS ME OFF!

Lastly I confess that if I didn't act like I had a stick up my ass and learned to chill out more I'd have more time for blogging and coffee dates....HELP ME... the end

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