Friday, March 7, 2014

How I really feel about my sick kids

So we have been fighting the yuk virus going around...for like a week and a half. I'm going to give you a little rundown of how I deal with my sick kids....yes, the real honest how I really feel !

Day 1: poor guy...Ill make him a vapor bath and soup
Day 2 : Ok ok, lets not milk this
Day 3: You little shit! Now my throat hurts, is this normal?
Day 4: all medicated, I look at Trev...oh Fu*king great
Day 5: who the F is responsible for this...I need to call a hitman

Day I have no F'n clue what day it is.....and if my sweet little angel coughs in my face one more time I'm calling the toddler rescue group, if there is such a thing. PLEASE god bring mercy!

1 comment:

  1. HA! Love your honesty and blog my friend. Love it. :)
