Saturday, February 1, 2014

5 things that all mom's should be proud of.

I was just thinking that in todays working mom society people have had less and less appreciation for our stay at home moms. Here are a few things that people should appreciate about these brave women.

1. Stay at home mom's spend more time with their children...and yours if your a working mom.

2. A stay at home mom USUALLY has more influence on their child's behavior and can
have a bigger influence.

3. Going to a job everyday would be a mother F'n vacation for us.

4. Since women wanted to be all equal and shit the stay at home mom's get some "lazy" reputation. Sorry but I don't get a lunch break with my friends, get to interact with other adults AND if I get the chance to hang out with my friends I'm to damn tired to.

5. Lets see you haters cook, clean and keep a household running without wanting to microwave your baby....I only say this because it has happened !

So keep on looking down on us stay at home mom's AKA personal assistants to mini demanding people and watch how our kids turn out compared to the ones with abandonment issues, insecurity and too much time without supervision so they can do drugs and have parties while your at your OHHHHH so important job..Hey, don't knock me and I wont have to slap your ass back into the real world! 

Peace and Love , hope you enjoyed that fiery shot of Brandy!

1 comment:

  1. I work but only 3days out of the week only from 11-4, so I'm a part time stay at home mom? I love staying home with my Slayde, I did for almost his whole time of being on earth, but after my moms passing I needed to get out and be "me" again. So I vote everyone be a stay at home mom and let the man pay for it all... Muhahahahahaha
