Thursday, January 16, 2014

From this day on....ok I'll start tomorrow.

I'm on a mission. I miss my toned tan body. The past couple years have, well sucked. The emotional up and downs have left me less than appealing. Starting tomorrow I am going back to my protein shakes and spark. I HATE the gym. I despise it, loath it. I don't get much time to myself and I'll be damned if I spend it in the gym! So that means I gotta pay attention to what I eat. period. I don't buy into the excuse "I've had kids" because EVERYONE has had kids. It's all about how bad you want it and I want it. Bad. If it results with me in a gym then I guess I'll have to suck it up, but first I'm going to try this!

These are a few of my favorite things...

Right out of the gate I'm going to give up some of my secrets. I've been asked a lot lately on how I keep my skin looking so young. First off. I'm 33 not 300!! So I don't consider myself old and wrinkled yet but my secret it easy. Instead of spending hours putting on makeup, I spend hours on my skin care which I will elaborate on in another post. My foundation is the key! Simple as that. I don't have time for a 5 step foundation step system. I literally put on my foundation with a brush, then brush over it with a powder bronzer and...DONE! Here is a picture of this awesome product. Its called two faced and I get it at ulta. The bronzer I get at any drug store.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First post of the way it was and the way it is. This is not my first blog. I used to be a regular blogger until I got divorced....for the second time. 3 years later and I'm ready to come back into cyber space and share all. YES , ALL ! The nitty gritty not so socially correct daily life I live. For those of you who know me personally, don't worry. I wont use your name in my stories. For those of you who DONT know me here are some fun facts: I have been married twice AND divorced twice. I am still good friends with both the ex's and I look like a freak show at every one of my kids events, such as birthdays , school conferences, games etc. because I come strolling in with 2 different baby daddy's and we all sit TOGETHER. I know in our society we are supposed to hold grudges and hate our ex's but I like to stick out in a crowd ! I have a daughter from my first marriage and 2 boys from my second marriage so I came out on top. I am a full time student, I coach 3-10 year olds soccer, T-ball and basketball, I love kids ( in small doses ).I've been skydiving twice, traveled all across America and Mexico. I prefer red wine over white but if I'm watching my calories I drink Vodka citron with soda water NOT TONIC WATER ! I think Victoria's secret yoga pants are a gift from god, clipping my boy's nails is literally torture for all and I've let all 3 kids sleep in my bed until last night. I like country living but going to the city makes me feel like a grown up. My weight fluctuates by 10 lbs daily and I will be complaining about this so get used to it. I keep my friends with boats on my priority list to keep in contact with, and my kids think I'm crazy as you will probably agree after a while. I have many certificates such as graduating from a rehab center as a guest, 2 divorce certificates and I completed 2 parenting classes (one for each divorce). If you couldn't tell I have a dry, sick and twisted sense of humor so don't take what I say to heart for heavens sake. I love makeup , pink and ANYTHING that is shiny like glitter. I watch old movies over and over again and I play my new favorite song everyday, all day until I get a new favorite song. I've been thrown through the windshield of a car at 85 MPH, been shot with a 9mm hallow point and lost 4 liters of blood the last time I gave birth. I think my 9  lives are almost up. .and it should be some good blogging getting there! I'm a picture freak so I'll post pics on almost every post. If you don't want to read my blog then f*ck you...just joking! Just hit delete, simple. Welcome to my world....